Friday, February 24, 2012

Or take a longer route to the bus stop, or ...

Causes of Osteoporosis more women than men get osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones lose density and become brittle and fragile. This is because as a woman order lasix, age and going through menopause, her hormone levels drop quickly. This leads to bone loss. Hormonal changes and lack of calcium, or factors that can lead to osteoporosis. Dr Ann Tan, a specialist obstetrician and gynecologist female fruit center, said the decline in estrogen at menopause as a result of accelerated bone loss in women.

However, it can also occur in young women with eating disorders such as anorexia. in women may cause the body to stop producing estrogen. This leads to a condition known as amenorrhea, or absence of menstruation. Causes of Osteoporosis low estrogen contributes to significant loss of bone density. Anorexia suffer often produce excessive amounts of adrenal hormone cortisol, which is known to cause bone loss. As men, they do too. Andropause, the male equivalent, is responsible for the accelerated rate of bone loss by lowering testosterone levels, said Dr. Julinda Lee, consultant obstetrician and gynecologist at the Pacific Health Center specialists. Thus, while osteoporosis is commonly associated with postmenopausal women over the age, men should not think that they are in the clear. Dr Tan said: Men usually do not think they will have this problem.

immune system damage
Young women who reject the possibility DONT understand that too thin or emaciated is a bad basis for the bones. To achieve a good basis for the bones, both men and women should participate in healthy activities

especially in adolescence, leading to their 30-ies. Exercises include brisk walking, dancing,

, and step aerobics. Finally, bone mass is built when one is young and probably do more. Causes of osteoporosis in age from 30 to 50 years, we must begin to maintain our bone, said Dr. Leslie Leong, consultant orthopedic surgeon at Orthopedic Consultants island. He said: It's like a growing plant. Once you develop it fully, you will have to feed it. Dr Tan added that men and women should be aware of the need to monitor their common >> << through good nutrition and. As often as possible instead of using the elevator, go up the stairs. Or take a longer route to the bus stop or train station, she suggested. Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D also is key to good backbone. Dr. Leong suggested that rather than depending on supplements, you get calcium from foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt. can be absorbed from exposure to the sun, because participation in a number of outdoor activities is a good idea. He recommends 10 to 20 minutes

daily. There's no need for intense training or marathon effort to squash. Every day

enough, said Dr Leong, he added:

Use your bones or lose them. . << >>

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